Eric provided me with support and coaching at a time when I was at my lowest ebb both professionally and emotionally. I could not see a way forwards, and was having very dark thoughts. He used his keen listening skills, knowledge of positive psychology and kind nature to slowly and methodologically turn me around and put me on a better path. He helped me to see that I was not thinking rationally, that the events in my life are a ‘blip on the road’ and not an end in themselves. His advice supported me in building psychological capital, and developing increased hope, optimism, self-efficacy and resilience. I appreciated Eric’s style. He supported me personally, and through ‘homework’ assignments, clever strategies and academic discussions. He sparked an interest in the concepts of happiness and positive psychology that will live with me forever both personally and professionally. He has helped me to become a better person, a better professional and to go beyond simply surviving a terrible period of my life.
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Author: drs. Eric Sipsma Sipsma studeerde klinische psychologie en specialiseerde zich als registerpsycholoog arbeid en gezondheid NIP. Met zijn bureau Inspired at Work Company coacht, traint en adviseert hij werknemers, managers en organisaties bij het gezond en productief houden van mensen én organisaties. Zijn werkwijze is oplossingsgericht, nuchter en pragmatisch, gebaseerd op de kennis van de positieve psychologie.