I am expatriate and 2 years I was working really very hard. Though, one day I reached the limit and had a burnout. My company wanted to find one of the best therapist in Netherlands and did a big search on it because they knew my high quality standarts and demands for intelligence, I wouldn’t be talking or opened up otherwise. I think they found really a good one. The sessions were so constructive, productive, challenging and beneficial. It opened my eyes and made me realize my core struggles I was not even aware of or maybe I was in a denial. Even after half a year I still open my notes and read it again. This therapy had such a strong effect on me and my life… Even it was just several sessions about burnout and stress management, the effect expended in other areas of my life too. Impressive how cognitive psychology could be effective so quickly. Of course it all depends how much your work yourself and how much you are willing to do. But now I think this burnout was one of the best things that could hapened to me because with the help of Eric it was one of the biggest and most challenging personal development time in my life which really changed core things. In addition, I feel it’s still not the end yet, it just opened so many new doors for me… Thank you Eric for everything. Even I am very reflective person, there is no way I would have reached such a level myself.
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Author: drs. Eric Sipsma
http://www.InspiredAtWork.nl/contactEric Sipsma studeerde klinische psychologie en specialiseerde zich als registerpsycholoog arbeid en gezondheid NIP. Met zijn bureau Inspired at Work Company coacht, traint en adviseert hij werknemers, managers en organisaties bij het gezond en productief houden van mensen én organisaties. Zijn werkwijze is oplossingsgericht, nuchter en pragmatisch, gebaseerd op de kennis van de positieve psychologie.